Title Winning Body Language
Author Mark Bowden
Year Published 2010
Kind of Book Communication/Body Language Manuel/Self-Help
How strongly I recommend it 5/10
My Impressions Not greatly written, but there were a few key takeaways. I would recommend watching his youtube videos instead (which are fantastic.)
Date Read Oct 2019
Practical Takeaways
Understand the mindset of your audience
Remember, the audience naturally is just not that interested in you
Help people feel trust in you through nonverbal communication
Don't drop your hands by your sides when you're giving a presentation
Keep your hands over the table when you're sitting down and talking to someone (increases trust)
Literally take a step backwards to question something
Literally take a step backwards when encountering a difficult mental situation
Keep your hands above your waistline
Lower your hands by your sides to drop the energy of your audience
Allow your voice to follow the impulse of your body in alignment with your chosen physicality
Gesture on a horizontal plane extending from the naval
Breathe from the belly
Sit in a position that buts less of a visual barrier between yourself and your counterpart
Remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure
Breathe in when you communicate
Use the in breath to engage your audience with expectation
Use the out breath to deflate or disappoint your audience and create an atmosphere of negativity or depression
Take a breath before moving on (to process ideas and be more receptive to the next sentence)
Use the passion plane (at chest level) to frame content you wish to come across as exciting, energetic, or even aggressive
Keep your hands away from your mouth (or people will think you're lying)
Avoid gesturing around the lower face
Stay away from choreographing detailed movements when presenting. Keep movement simple and consistent
Keep your eyebrows slightly raised to gain trust and liking with audience *don't overdo it
Give an ear to others speaking to you. Ie. Tilt head slightly to one side to give the "I'm listening to you" signal
Gesture symmetrically
Mute the sound when watching your video of your public speaking to analyze your body language
Use asymmetrical gestures to add tension, discomfort, or confusion to audience
Make a goal
Make your goal tidy
Make your goal bigger
Be clear with your body language
Relax your audience by relaxing
Excite your audience by raising your own tension
Give your employees much praise (you might not need to give them a raise in money if you do)
Make people feel accepted
Make the gesture of pulling your audience/someone towards you to make them feel accepted
When giving a handshake, Always make sure your palm makes full contact with the other persons palm
Give others the upper hand when greeting them with a handshake ie. When you shake hands, simply turn the other person's hand quickly and gently so that it is slightly over yours, and at the same time quickly and gently move both your and his clasped hands closer toward and into your vulnerable stomach area
Get out from behind the podium or at least make sure your hands and torso are visible to the audience
Stand at a distance where you can see the feet of the person you're talking to and they can see your feet
Let the audience see your whole body
Sit in the front center for talks or classes or events. (The Funnel Effect)
Arrange the seating so that the important people are placed up front or in the funnel (center) of your talk/show/presentation
Use horseshoe seating to increase participation, recall, and experience
Make sure your plan admits modification//It's a bad plan that admits no modification-Syrus
Don't get stale in your physicality (keep moving and changing)
Immediately use anything that is working for you, and immediately discard anything that is not
Big Ideas
The audience will mirror whatever kind of energy and nonverbal feedback you give them
The body and the voice are inextricably linked
The more ignorant people are the more confident they are
Surprising Facts
If a healthy person were to voluntarily stop breathing for a long enough amount of the time, he would lose consciousness, and the body would resume breathing on its own, using its unconscious survival mechanism
Unknown Terms
Golden Proportions: Plato's vision of the perfect symetry in the human face. The width of the face is 2/3 its length, the nose is longer than the distance between the eyes
The Funnel Effect: Those sitting in the open end of the funnel participated most, interacted most, recalled the most, and had the most possitive experience of the seminar