Title Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook

Author David Borgenicht and Joshua Piven

Year Published 2019

Kind of Book Survival

How strongly I recommend it 7/10 

My Impressions This makes for a fun gift. It isn't particularly practical, but it is fun reading about what to do in extreme circumstances like how to deliver a baby in the backseat of a car and how to outwit a charging bull. There were a few useful tips for backpacking regarding mountain lion, bear, and lightning safety.

Date Read 2021

Practical Takeaways

  • (breaking down a locked door) Give the door hard kick with your heel where the lock is

  • (escaping from a sinking car) Open the window as soon as the car hits the water and try to climb out

  • (escaping from a sinking car) if you are unable to open the widow, wait until the car begins filling with water. When the water reaches your head. Take a deep breath. Go underwater. Open the door and swim to the surface.

  • Assume that all down power lines are live

  • (snake) Assume all snakes are venomous

  • (snake) remain still

  • (snake) back away slowly from the snake

  • (snake) beware of snakes coiling A: Snakes coil before they strike

  • (snake) give the snake a birth of their body length A: Snakes can strike at a distance approximately half their length

  • (snake bite) don't panic

  • (snake bite) Immobilize the bitten area and keep it lower than the heart

  • (snake bite) Get medical attention ASAP

  • (snake bite) wrap a bandage tightly 2 to 4 inches above the wound. *it shouldn't cut off blood supply

  • (snake bite) Do not place ice on bite

  • (snake bite) do not make an incision in the area to remove venom

  • (snake bite) Do not try to suck the venom out

  • (snake bite) When cell service becomes available, call 911. You can either request an ambulance ride from the trailhead or, in dire situations, medical evacuation. In the most favorable circumstances, you may want to simply get directions to the nearest medical facility offering antivenom treatment.

  • (non venomous snake bite) treat it in the field like any puncture wound: clean the bite area and apply a loose bandage

  • (sharks) if the shark is coming toward you, use anything you have to hit the shark

  • (sharks) attack shark in its eyes and gills (not its nose)

  • (sharks) stay in groups

  • (sharks) Avoid being in the water at night or twilight hours

  • (sharks) don't enter the water if you are bleeding or menstruating

  • (sharks) avoid shiny jewelry in the water

  • (bear) Stay where you are

  • (bear) don't climb tress to escape a bear

  • (bear) if you are lying still and the bear attacks, attack back with as much force as you can. Go for the bear's eyes and snout

  • (bear) make your presence known by speaking loudly, clapping, singing, or calling out

  • (bear) wear bells when you walk to warn bears of your presence

  • (bear) eliminate food odors from yourself

  • (bear) Do not sleep in the same clothes you cook in

  • (bear) don't keep any food in your tent

  • (bear) stay away from dead animals. Don't get between a bear and its prey

  • (Mountain Lion) don't run

  • (Mountain Lion) Make yourself appear as big as possible by opening your coat wide

  • (Mountain Lion) Hold your ground, wave your arms, and shout

  • (Mountain Lion) Back away slowly or wait until the animal moves away

  • (Mountain Lion) report any mountain lion sightings to authorities ASAP

  • (Mountain Lion) if the mountain lion behaves aggressively, thrown stones

  • (Mountain Lion) convince the mountain lion you are not prey

  • (Mountain Lion) if you are attacked. Fight back. Hit it in its head, eyes, and mouth

  • (Mountain Lion) protect your throat and neck at all costs

  • (Mountain Lion) avoid hiking alone

  • (Mountain Lion) avoid hiking at dusk or dawn

  • (Mountain Lion) put eyes on the back of your beanie

  • (Alligator attack) Try to get on the Alligator's back and put downward pressure on its neck

  • (Alligator attack) Cover the Alligator's eyes

  • (Alligator attack) attack its eyes and nose

  • (Alligator attack) if its jaws are closed on you, tap on punch it on the snout

  • (Alligator attack) seek medical attention immediately for even small cuts or bruises ( alligators have many pathogens in their mouths)

  • (Alligator) do not swim or wade in areas alligators are known to inhibit

  • (Killer bees) run away. Do not freeze

  • (Killer bees) get indoors as fast as you can

  • (Killer bees) Do not jump into a swimming pool or lake (they will be waiting for you at the surface)

  • (Killer bees) remove the stinger by taking your fingernail across it in a sideways motion. Do not pinch or pull the stinger out

  • (charging bull) throw whatever you're holding or take off your shirt and throw it ( the bull should head towards the item you've thrown)

  • (stampede of bulls ) if you cannot escape, try to run alongside the stampede. Don't lie down

  • (sword fight) Always keep your sword held in front of you with both hands and the blade perpendicular to the ground

  • (sword fight) Hold the sword at a slight angle facing your opponent

  • (sword fight) step into the blow with your arms held against your body

  • (sword fight) push or "punch" at the blow instead of simply trying to absorb it with your own sword

  • (sword fight) do not try to stab with your sword A: you will be off balance and open your stomach to attack

  • (sword fight) wait for your attacker to make a mistake

  • (sword fight) do not raise the sword above your head

  • (taking a punch to the gut) Tighten your stomach muscles

  • (taking a punch to the gut) shift slightly so the blow hits your obliques A: better to have a cracked rib than a possible fatality by a blow to the gut

  • (taking a punch to the head) Move toward the blow, not away from it (unless its an uppercut)

  • (taking a punch to the head) tighten your neck muscles and clench your jaw

  • (taking a punch to the head) absorb it with your forehead

  • (taking a punch to the head) try to deflect it with your arm

  • (jumping off a bridge into water) jump feet first

  • (jumping off a bridge into water) don't even think about going headfirst unless you are absolutely sure the water is at least 20ft deep

  • (jumping off a bridge into water) Keep your body completely vertical

  • (jumping off a bridge into water) squeeze your feet together

  • (jumping off a bridge into water) cover your gentiles with your hands

  • (jumping off a bridge into water) try to land away from the pylons that are supporting the bridge

  • (jumping off a bridge into water) after you hit the water, spread your arms and legs to slow your descent

  • (jumping off a bridge into water) clench your butthole

  • (jumping from a moving car) Apply the emergency break

  • (jumping from a moving car) Open the car door

  • (jumping from a moving car) Jump at an angle so the car doesn't run you over

  • (jumping from a moving car)Tuck in your heads and your arms and legs

  • (jumping from a moving car) aim for a soft place to land

  • (jumping from a moving car) roll when you hit the ground

  • (performing a tracheotomy) only attempt a tracheotomy if the person is not coughing, breathing, and you have already tried the Heimlich maneuver unsuccessfully.

  • (performing a tracheotomy) Find the indentation between the adam's apple and the first notch

  • (performing a tracheotomy) make a half inch incision about half an inch deep

  • (performing a tracheotomy) pinch the skin to insert the straws of pen

  • (performing a tracheotomy) Insert a few straws of a ballpoint pen with the ink removed

  • (performing a tracheotomy) breath into the tube. 2 quick breaths

  • (performing a tracheotomy) call 911

  • (identifying a bomb) don't open any suspicious looking package you aren't expecting

  • (delivering a baby) Try to get to the emergency room. A: even if you think you don't have time, you usually do

  • (delivering a baby) Have a clean dry towel or a clean shirt at hand

  • (delivering a baby) when contractions are about 3-5mins apart and last 40-90 seconds and increase in strength and frequency for at least an hour, the labor is most likely real

  • (delivering a baby) as the baby moves through the birth canal, guide it out by supporting the head and then the body

  • (delivering a baby) when the baby is out, dry it off, and keep it warm

  • (delivering a baby) clear any fluid out of the babies' mouth

  • (delivering a baby) Take a piece of string (or shoelace) and tie off the umbilical cord several inches from the baby (only cut it if you are hours away from a hospital)

  • (frostbite) only treat it if you can't get to a doctor

  • (frostbite) never thaw the area if it is in danger of refreezing

  • (frostbite) Remove wet clothing and dress with warm, dry clothing

  • (frostbite) immerse frozen areas in warm water (100-105 degrees F) or apply warm compresses for ten to thirty minutes

  • (frostbite) if warm water is not available, wrap gently in warm blankets

  • (frostbite) don't apply direct head to it

  • (frostbite) do not rub the area or rub snow on it

  • (frostbite) take IB pofin or pain reliever

  • (frostbite prevention) wear mittens instead of gloves

  • (frostbite prevention) take regular breaks from cold weather to warm extremities

  • (knife/bullet wound) Do not pull out any impaled objects (extreme blood loss)

  • (wound) when a wound is in an extremity, elevate it above the heart

  • (wound) use pressure to control bleeding *use fingertips, not palm

  • (wound) only use a tourniquet as a last resort *to save a life at the expense of sacrificing a limb

  • (wound) encourage small wounds to bleed for a short period of time to wash out an infection

  • (wound) pour granular sugar into a penetrating wound to decrease bleeding

  • (wound) only use a clotting sponge/bandgage as a last resort. Don't use it on a normal wound. Keep the packaging, so the ER Dr. knows what was put on it

  • (Earthquake) if you are indoors, stay there

  • (Earthquake) get under a desk or table and hang on to it, or move into a doorway; the next place is in a hallway or against an inside wall

  • (Earthquake) stay clear of windows

  • (Earthquake) if you are outside, get into the open, away from buildings, powerlines, chimneys, and anything else that might fall on you

  • (Earthquake) be prepared for another smaller earthquake after the first one passes

  • (boat at sea) only abandon the boat for a life raft as a last resort (your best chance of survival is on a boat. Even a disabled one)

  • (boat at sea) Take whatever supplies you can carry onto the raft

  • (boat at sea) Take as much fresh water (and empty jugs) as you can

  • (boat at sea) do not ration water, drink as needed, but don't drink more than necessary

  • (vehicle broken down) stay with your vehicle. Do not wander

  • (vehicle broken down) Raise the hood and truck to denote "help needed"

  • (lost in woods) If you have completely lost your bearings, try to get to a high vista to look around

  • (Navigation) build smoky fires during the day and bright fires at night

  • (stranded in the desert) Avoid eating if there is not a sufficient amount of water readily available

  • (water) look for water at the base of rock cliffs

  • (Navigation) when hiking, periodically look back in the direction from where you have come and take a mental picture

  • (if your parachute fails) signal to someone else who is jumping/falling near you

  • (if your parachute fails) hook arms with them into their chest strap, all the way up to you elbows and grab a hold of your own strap

  • (if your parachute fails) try to land in a body of water

  • (avalanche) if under the snow. Dig a small hole around you and spit. Watch which way the spit falls to asses which direction is up and start digging in that direction

  • (active shooter) Run fast in a zig zag pattern

  • (active shooter) Get as far away as possible

  • (active shooter) Don't bother counting bullets

  • (active shooter) get as low as possible. Flat on your stomach

  • (active shooter) run behind the tires of a car on the opposite side as the shooter

  • (lost in wilderness) don't panic

  • (lost in wilderness) Don't exert yourself unnecessarily

  • (lost in wilderness) Signal for help at the highest point possible

  • (lost in wilderness) build three smoky fires in a triangle

  • (lost in wilderness) put your space blanket on the ground with the gold side facing out

  • (lost in wilderness) Do not wander far

  • (frostbite) do not warm area until you are not lost

  • (lightning) if the delay between seeing lightning and hearing thunder is less than 30 seconds seek a safer location immediately

  • (lightning) avoid high places

  • (lightning) avoid open fields

  • (lightning) avoid standing under isolated trees

  • (lightning) avoid unprotected gazebos

  • (lightning) avoid rain or picnic shelters

  • (lightning) bodies of water (lakes, ocean, streams, pools)

  • (lightning) avoid ridges above treeline

  • (lightning) if in an open area do not lie flat. Kneel with your hands on the ground and your head low close eyes? *see pic

  • (if someone is struck by lightning) do not be afraid to move them *them will not carry a charge

  • (if someone is struck by lightning) if they are not breathing, start mouth to mouth. Do for 30 minutes

  • (if someone is struck by lightning) determine if they have a pulse *carotid artery in the neck

  • (Scuba tank runs out of air) signal to fellow divers you are having a problem

  • (Scuba tank runs out of air) share a fellow divers air by passing it back and forth while slowly swimming to the surface

  • (Scuba tank runs out of air) as a last resort. Swim to the surface slowly while exhaling slowly the entire time A: if you do not exhale slowly you risk an aneurysm


Surprising Facts

  • Snakes coil before they strike

  • Snakes can strike at a distance approximately half their length

  • In North America only 1 person every 3 years is killed by a bear

  • Bears can run as fast as horses uphill or downhill

  • Mountain lions and cougars are the same thing

  • Mountain lions generally leap down upon prey from above and deliver a 'killing bite' to the back of the neck. Their technique is to break the neck and knock down the prey.

  • American Alligator attacks are rare, but African and Asian Crocodiles attack thousands of people a years and cause hundreds of fatalities

  • Feeding Alligators causes them to lose their fear of humans and become more aggressive

  • Henry Houdini died from an unexpected punch to the abdomen

  • There is a few feet of clearance between the top of a train and a bridge, but not enough to stand