Title The Magic of Thinking Big

Author David J Schwartz

Year Published 1959

Kind of Book self-help/Mindset

How strongly I recommend it 6/10 

My Impressions A good ol' fashioned self-help book. The language is pretty dated and hokey, but it get the points across. Nothing revolutionary here, but good solid content nonetheless.

Date Read Jan 2019

Practical Takeaways

  • Think big (and you'll live big)

  • Believe, really believe you can move mountains

  • Think victory and succeed

  • Respect the leader. Learn from him. Observe him.

  • Don't worship your idols

  • Believe you can surpass you idols

  • Have faith in yourself

  • Fire Mr. Defeat. Use Mr. Triumph 100 per cent of the time. When any thought enters your mind ask Mr. Triumph to go to work for you

  • Join the select group of people who get what they want from life

  • Believe you can success

  • Think success don't think failure

  • Think 'I'll win' don't think 'I'll probably lose'

  • Remind yourself regularly that you are better than you think you are

  • Never sell yourself short

  • Think big goals

  • Ask yourself why some people are successful and others aren't

  • Study two of the most successful and unsuccessful people you know

  • Make successful action habitual

  • Cure yourself of excusitis

  • Live until you die

  • Refuse to talk about your poor health (talking about bad health is like putting fertilizer on weeds. It bores people. It makes you seem self-centered and old maidish.)

  • Be genuinely grateful that your health is as good as it is

  • Don't fill your brain with facts you can look up in two minutes-Albert Einstein

  • Switch from thinking you are old to thinking you are still young (most men work until 70)

  • Ask people for their suggestions (everyone loves giving advice)

  • Stop thinking 'I should have started years ago' instead think 'I'm going to start now, my best years are ahead of me'

  • Use the mantra 'action cures fear'

  • Ask yourself "What kind of action can I take to conquer my fear?"

  • Steps to cure fear and win confidence

  1. Isolate your fear ie. Figure out exactly what you're afraid of

  2. Take action

  • Be decisive

  • Recall positive experiences for your memory bank

  • Avoid doing anything that will cause you to ask yourself 'will I get caught?'

  • (for handshakes) clasp the other person's hand warmly, look directly at them and say 'I'm very glad to know you'

  • Be a front seater ie make it a rule to sit as close to the front as you can

  • Practice making eye contact

  • Walk 25 percent faster

  • Be the ice breaker

  • Consider joining you local toastmaster's club

  • Only put positive thoughts in you memory bank

  • Practice doing what your conscience tells you is right

  • Get your friends and other people around you to tell you what they believe your 5 chief assets are

  • Use big, positive, cheerful words and phrases to describe how you feel when someone asks "How are you today?" (eg. Just wonderful thanks)

  • Speak well of people who are absent from the conversation

  • Compliment people on their appearance, their work, their achievements, and their families

  • Give customers friendly courteous service

  • Ask "What can I do to make myself more valuable today?"

  • Before complaining ask 'is it really important?'

  • Believe it can be done

  • Eliminate the word 'impossible' from your thinking and speaking vocabularies

  • Think of something you've been wanting to do but felt you couldn't. Now, make a list of reasons why you can do it

  • Be receptive to ideas

  • Break up fixed routines

  • Ask "How can I do better?"

  • Increase the quantity of your output

  • Concentrate on 'How can I do more?"

  • Spend more time requesting advice than giving it

  • Listen to your customer's feedback

  • Test your views in others in the form of questions eg. "What do you think of the idea of…"

  • Let what others say penetrate your mind

  • Join and meet regularly with at least one professional group in your area of work

  • Join and participate in at least one group outside your occupational interests

  • Don't let ideas escape. Write them down

  • Read anything you can find which is in any way akin to your idea

  • Think that you are important

  • Look important

  • Never leave home without feeling certain you look like the kind of person you want to be

  • Dress right. You can't afford not to.-American Institute of Men's and Boy's Wear

  • Look at yourself through your superior's eyes

  • Look important (it will help you think important)

  • Dress up for an important exam. Have your suit pressed. Shine your shoes

  • Look sharp (you will think sharp)

  • Respect your appearance

  • Pay twice as much and buy half as many

  • Look your best (you will think and act your best)

  • Think your work is important

  • Ask yourself 'Am I worth in every respect of being imitated?"

  • Give yourself a pep talk several times a day

  • Think like important people think

  • Ask yourself 'What would an important person do if they had this idea?"

  • Ask yourself "Would an important person worry about this?"

  • Ask yourself "Do I look like someone who has maximum self-respect?"

  • Ask yourself "would an important person get mad about this?"

  • Avoid petty individuals

  • Chose companions with big ideas

  • Have close contact with ambitious people

  • Don't laugh at big ideas

  • Let negative thinking people slide off your back like water on a duck's back

  • Be careful about your source of advice

  • Go first class when you have questions

  • Select friends who have different views from your own

  • Be friends with people with potential

  • Guard your psychological environment

  • Call 'gossip' 'thought-poison'

  • Don't spread rumors

  • Don't encourage others to bring rumors to you

  • Do start conversations with "Don't tell anybody…"

  • Only say positive things about people when they are not present

  • Become enthusiastic in order to make others enthusiastic

  • If you don't like something dig deeper into it

  • Learn more about the things you are not enthusiastic about

  • Learn all you can about the place you move to

  • When you shake hands shake ie do it with enthusiasm

  • Smile with your eyes

  • Life up your thank yous

  • Show a few teeth when you smile

  • Put vitality into your speaking

  • Make your 'how are you?' sound really interested

  • Be the bearer of good news (not bad)

  • Make a habit of only speaking favorably about the weather

  • Whenever you leave a person ask yourself 'Does, that person honestly feel better because he has talked with me?'

  • Make little people feel like big people

  • Make people feel important

  • Let others know you appreciate what they do for you

  • Never let people feel that they are taken for granted

  • Give honest personalized compliments

  • Call people by their names

  • Spell people's names correctly

  • Pronounce people's names correctly

  • Pass praise down to your subordinates

  • Ask yourself 'what can I do today to make my family happy?'

  • Reserve Sundays for your family

  • Always give people more than they expect

  • Remember people's names-Lyndon B Johnson (10 point success formula)

  • Be comfortable to be around ie be an old-shoe, old-hat kind of individual-Lyndon B Johnson (10 point success formula)

  • Don't let things ruffle you-Lyndon B Johnson (10 point success formula)

  • Don't act like you know it all-Lyndon B Johnson (10 point success formula)

  • Be interesting in conversation-Lyndon B Johnson (10 point success formula)

  • Heal misunderstandings between yourself and others-Lyndon B Johnson (10 point success formula)

  • Practice liking people until you do so genuinely-Lyndon B Johnson (10 point success formula)

  • Congratulate others on their achievements-Lyndon B Johnson (10 point success formula)

  • Take the initiative to build friendships

  • Introduce yourself to people at every possible opportunity

  • Go out of your way to meet people

  • Don't be a reformer ie. Put a little more "live-and-let-live" into your philosophy

  • Like the guy your selling to (if you like him he will like you)

  • Find reasons to like the guy you're selling to

  • Find reasons to like people (if you like him he will more likely like you)

  • Treat customers like guests in your home

  • Don't be a conversation hog

  • Let the other person do most of the talking

  • Don't berate yourself when something doesn't go your way

  • Act on your ideas

  • Cross bridges when you come to them

  • Don't wait for conditions to be perfect before acting

  • Meet problems and obstacles as they arise

  • To fight fear, act

  • Don't wait for the spirit to move you. Move the spirit

  • Jump right into the task before you can think about how unpleasant it will be

  • Perform post-mortem to find out why it happened

  • Salvage something from every set-back

  • Be objective ie put yourself in a glass tube and look at yourself as a disinterested third party would look at the situation

  • Have the courage to face your faults

  • Don't run away from inadequacies

  • If you lose, learn

  • Plan at least 10 years ahead

  • Form an image of the person you want to be 10 years from now

  • Know where you want to go

  • Do what you like to do (career)

  • Face the day with a plan

  • Set deadlines for yourself

  • Give yourself self imposed quotas

  • Set monthly quotas for accomplishment

  • Build 30day goals

  • Invest in your education

  • Go to school one night a week for life

  • Read one stimulating book each month

  • To get others to do what you want them to do, see things through their eyes

  • Ask yourself 'would they like this gift?' not 'would I like this gift?'

  • Ask yourself 'What would I think of my superior if he were dressed like me?'

  • (For giving criticism)

  1. Talk to them privately

  2. Praise them for what they've been doing well

  3. Point out the one thing they could do better and help them find a way

  4. Praise them again for their good points

  • Practice praising people

  • Have high standards in everything you do

  • Set aside at least 30minutes every day to be completely by yourself

  • Master your mind-Publilius Syrus

Big Ideas

  • Others see in us what we see in ourselves

  • Taking action cures fear

  • More people go after the mediocre than the best because they are afraid of failure

  • We receive the kind of treatment from others that we think we deserve

  • The more successful an individual the less inclined they will be to make excuses

  • If you like people they will be more likely to like you

  • If you dress sharp your thinking will be sharp

  • Everyone loves giving advice

  • Talking about your bad health bores people. It makes you seem self-centered and old maidish.

  • Looking important will make you feel important

Surprising Facts

  • A personnel selection executive told me that he receives 50 to 250 times as many applicants for jobs that pay $10,000 per year as for jobs that pay $50,000 a year.