Title The Game of Life and How to Play it
Author Florence Scovel Shinn
Year Published 1975
Kind of Book Self-help/Mindset
How strongly I recommend it 8/10
My Impressions There were a few “aha” moments in this book for me. I liked how she explained the Law of Karma and the Law of Use ie. The idea that hoarding and not using what we have (be it possessions or knowledge) goes against the Universal law. Like many books written in this genre, I struggled with some of the anecdotes she told. If you believe there’s no such thing as luck and everything that happens to you is created by your thoughts (as she did) you find yourself coming up with some pretty wild theories for why babies get sick and die (as she does.)
Date Read Dec 2021
Practical Takeaways
Train the imagining faculty
Never violate a hunch
Erase fear from consciousness
Substitute faith for fear.
See clearly your good and obliterate all mental pictures of evil
Act as if you had already received
Order an expensive lucheon (even if you can't afford it yet)
Prepare yourself for the thing you've asked for
Act as if you're going to get the thing you want
Buy wrapping paper for gifts (even if you don't have money for gifts yet)
Talk about you want, not what you don't want
Don't talk about disease (you will attract it by speaking of it)
Don't hold one critical thought towards man. Bless him all day
Don't run away from your problems (accept them)
Don't try to change others. Change yourself
Bless the past and forget it. Bless the future, knowing it has is store endless joys. Live fully in the now
Make an affirmation immediately upon waking "Today is a day of completion; I give thanks for this perfect day, miracle shall follow miracle and wonders shall never cease."
Only use an affirmation if it is satisfying and convincing to your own consciousness
Affirmation: "I have a wonderful work, in a wonderful way, I give wonderful service, for wonderful pay!"
When reading Bible passages substitute the word 'law' for the word 'lord' or 'God'
Only desire what is yours by divine right (eg. Desire a lovely spouse, not someone else's spouse)
Don't run what you are afraid or. Walk up to it and face it
Watch yourself closely and ask yourself if your motive for action is fear or faith
Don't violate the law of use. Ie. Use everything you own. Do not hoard (material things OR knowledge)
Pay your bills cheerfully and without fear
(Parents) Never force careers and professions upon your children
(if you have many talents and are not sure which one to focus on) Say, "Infinite Spirit, give me a definite lead, reveal to me my perfect self-expression, show me which talent I am to make use of now."
Give with out thinking of returns, but accept returns which come to you
Big Ideas
You need to understand the spiritual law to successfully play the game of life
The Old and New Testaments explain the spiritual law
We receive from others/the world what we put out
If we give hate we will receive hate
If we give love we will receive love
If we give criticism we will receive criticism
If we lie to others others will lie to us
If we cheat others will cheat on us
If we judge others others will judge us
Whatever man imagines externalizes in reality (sooner or later)
The subconscious does whatever it is directed to do (ie. Its impressionable)
The subconscious takes what we say and think literally
People often think or say things as jokes and the subconscious makes them a reality
We all have infinite intelligence within ourselves
We get what we DESIRE deep down (not what we say we want)
If we can wish for something without worry, it will be instantly fulfilled
Fear is the only enemy
We get what we prepare for (not what we ask for)
We can only receive something if we can see ourselves receiving it (imagine)
We attract what we think about
We attract the fears we think about
Law of nonresistance: When you face a situation fearlessly the challenge goes away
We attract the things we talk about
If you talk about disease you will attract disease
What we wish done to others will happen to us (positive or negative)
Every external internal comes from an internal inharmony
Every disease starts in the mind
Little Children attract illness because they absorb their parents fears
People who are free of fear and send out only good thoughts for others cannot be affected by other people's negative thoughts
When you bless your enemies they are powerless to harm you
Whatever we resist will follow us around unless we accept it
When we accept what we resist we will be undisturbed by it
If you run away from what you're afraid of it will follow you around
If you face what you're afraid of it will go away
When you change the people you want to change will change
When able to notice our faults in others easier than ourselves
Many passages in Bible make more sense if you substitute the word 'law' for 'God'
We suffer when we violate a law of the Universe because we are going against the law, not because a God somewhere is punishing us
We are only affected by germs if we are living in fear
Real love is selfless
Real love is free from fear
Jealousy is the worst enemy of love
What you give may come back to you from the person you give it to OR from someone else
Fear is the natural state of most people
Having faith requires will
[The Bible] is a book telling man how to release his soul (or subconscious mind) from bondage
Anger causes many diseases
Anger causes people to make bad decisions
Not accepting gifts/returns from others violates the law of karma
A prayer is a command
A prayer is a form of giving thanks in advance
Unknown Terms
Subconscious "The _____ mind, is simply power, without direct. It is like steam or electricity, and it does what it is direct to do; it has no power of induction."
Conscious "[the _____mind] is the human mind and sees life as it appears to be."
Superconscious "The _____ mind…is the real of perfect ideas. It usually flashes across the conscious as an unattainable ideal—'something too good to be true."
Law of nonresistance: When you face a situation fearlessly the challenging aspect of it goes away
"Face a situation fearlessly, and there is no situation to face; it falls away of its own weight."
Law of Use: a universal law of the universe which states that one must use what they own and not hoard eg. Her closets were filled with clothes she never wore, and jewels which never saw the light."