Title The Five Love Languages
Author Gary Chapman
Year Published 1992
Kind of Book Relationships/Communication
How strongly I recommend it 6/10
My Impressions This book contains one very powerful idea—different people receive and communicate love differently. There are 5 main ways. The key to a fulfilling relationship is to identify your partner's love language and then to "speak it" to him or her. The reason for the low rating was that I thought the ideas could have been summed up in a blog post or short essay. There was no reason to stretch it out into a whole book. Lots of filler. I realize that that is more of a problem with publishers and the book industry than with the author. Everything must be at least 100pgs nowadays so that it can be sold at a price that allows for profit (even if the book only needs to be 20pages), but I digress…
Date Read circa 2016
Practical Takeaways
Identify your spouse's Love Language
Give the other person encouraging words
Ask your partner what his/her love language is
Thank your mate for something they do routinely and wouldn't expect to be complimented for
Compliment your spouse in the presence of their parents or friends
Maintain eye contact while your spouse it talking
Don't multi-task when talking to your spouse
Observe body language of the person you're talking to
Refuse to interrupt
Share photos of your day to your spouse to make them feel like they're there with you
Make time every day to share with each other some of the events of the day
Give your spouse a gift you found in nature (eg. Flower, feather, leaf)
Make a handmade gift for your spouse
Keep a gift idea notebook (every time you hear someone say I'd like that, write it down)
Ask your spouse's friend or family member to help you pick out a gift
Ask your spouse to make a list of 10 things they'd like for you to do during the next month
Care for someone your spouse loves (pet, older relative)
Hold your partner as they cry
Hold your spouses hand when you're walking somewhere together
When visiting friends or family, touch your spouse in their presence (a hug, putting your arm around her, putting hand on her shoulder)
Send your spouse a hand-written letter w/ a physical photo instead of an email or text
Ask yourself "What do you most desire from your spouse that makes you feel loved above all else?"
Notice the main way you express love to others. That is likely your primary love language
Notice what you complain about not getting enough of from your spouse. (That is likely your primary love language)
Fill your spouse's tank with love by giving them love via their love language
Chose to love your partner
Ask how you can be a better spouse. Act on what he/she tells you
Acknowledge and praise your spouse for doing something you like or speaking your love language to you
Make reminders for yourself to speak your spouses love language
Try out different love languages if your partner is not responding to what you think their primary love language is
Big Ideas
We all have different ways of giving and receiving love
We have one primary love language that does not change throughout our life
More men have physical touch and words of affirmation as their love language
More women have Quality Time and Receiving Gifts as their love language
5 Love Languages
Physical Touch
Words of Affirmation
Quality Time
Acts of Service
Receiving gifts