Title The Art of Invisibility

Author Kevin D. Mitnick

Year Published 2017

Kind of Book Safety/How-to

How strongly I recommend it 5/10 

My Impressions This is a book about tightening up your cyber security and your fingerprint online in the effort to be "invisible" to others online. It was interesting learning about all the ways the government and hackers can (and do) spy on you. There were some good practical takeaways, however for the average joe this book is overkill. Unless you are a celebrity, working on something top secret, or involved in some illegal activity that you're trying to cover up, most of the stuff in this book is superfluous.

Date Read Oct 2020

Practical Takeaways

  • Never use the same password for two different accounts

  • Get a password manager to generate strong passwords

  • Make passwords 25 characters or more

  • Use creative responses to general security questions

  • Assume that everything you type into your office computer is public

  • Make sure your laptop/cellphone/wallet is the last thing you put through security (you don't want it sitting on the other side before you get there)

  • Dispose of your boarding pass

  • Don't worry about disposing of your hotel room key after check out