Title She's Six Steps Away
Author Eric Disco
Year Published 2015
Kind of Book Dating/Communication
How strongly I recommend it 8/10
My Impressions Even though this book is written for men wanting to meet women, the principles apply to anyone who wants to get more comfortable interacting and communicating with people they don't know. This book was very helpful for me during a time in my life when I wanted to meet women, but couldn't get past the hurdle of walking over and saying hi. Disco advocates easing into the process rather than just throwing yourself in. He breaks an approach down into 6 easy steps that build on each other. It is the first book I would recommend to anyone who wants to overcome their nerves talking to people they don’t know.
Date Read circa 2015
Practical Takeaways
Practice Taking Action
Shift your focus from trying to get a specific response to simply taking action and accepting every possible outcome
Shift your focus from how you're taking initiatives to that you're taking initiatives
Set your goals on what is in your control vs. an outcome which is not (eg. I will ask for 5 girls for their number not I will get 5 numbers today)
Repeatedly take small, manageable initiatives, rather than large overwhelming ones
Put yourself in places where women are
Accept self-doubt in any new endeavor your take on
Go out consistently to meet women
Get out of the house. Go out into the world
See the world as a welcoming place filled with opportunity, not a threatening place
Take note of where you see women to approach
Walk slowly
Get comfortable being the center of attention
Get comfortable being noticed/looked at
Walk through the center of the room
Look people in the eye
Act like you want people to look at you
Unzip your jacket
Keep your hands out of your pockets
Immediately take action after feeling attraction
Get your feet moving towards her the split second after you first notice her (before your conscious brain steps in)
Find any reason to get close to her
Stand next to her
Stay planted where you are near her. Minimize your movement
Be decisive with your walk
Walk directly over to her
Slow you walk down
Say something [when you see her]! (anything is better than nothing)
If you think it, say it. Start getting comfortable saying what's on your mind
Speak slowly and loudly
Stand next to her when you're talking to her, not facing her
Think of the first thing you say as something to start the process, not as the thing that will attract her
Stay in the conversation longer
When you run out of things to say either a)ask a follow-up question b)Make a statement about yourself
Ask questions that require longer answers (not yes no questions)
If she is in a rush, let her excuse herself and rush off, but don't make that decision for her
Don't wait until she gives you 100% interest before you start to lengthen the interaction/conversation
Go out to meet women even if your tired. (It doesn't matter what your mood is)
Start becoming a touchy guy with everyone
Touch her when she's laughing
Touch her when you're teasing her
Practice being indirect to get comfortable talking with out laying your cards out on the table first, then be direct
Make an observation about her and then ask her about it (cold reading)
Make a leading statement about yourself to make her ask you a personal question ("Where I'm from we have the worst coffee")
Get good at making small talk without having to get personal right away
Cold read by starting with the phrase "I get the feeling…."
Guess about her
Occupation eg. "I get the feeling you're a nurse"
Where she's from eg, "I get the feeling you're from LA"
Her interests eg. "I get the feeling you do yoga"
Her hobbies eg."I get the feeling that you like to ski"
Her relationships eg."I get the feeling you're from a large family"
when cold reading Be specific with your guess
when cold reading give a reason for your statement (eg. I get the feeling you're from a large family. You seem comfortable around people.)
When cold reading guess something that you want to be true about her ie. Gamble in your favor
Turn finding out about each other in a game. Ask her a personal question and before she can answer say, "Wait, let me guess"
Make her guess about you when she asks you a personal question
Whether or not you hear an accent you can say "I noticed a little bit of an accent. Where are you from?" (make sure you say little bit, as some girls are self conscious about their accent)
Transition into personal conversation 3 or 4 sentences into the conversation, not after the first question
Don't worry about 'scaring her off' during the interaction. You have to take some risks to polarize her
Memorize a few personal questions to ask her
Memorize a few cold read templates
Exit the conversation if she is not willing to get personal
To exit the conversation say "Well, it was nice meeting you. Have a great day"
Find out how she feels about an experience
Get her to reveal how she feels about something important to her
Ask "What inspired you to…"
Ask her to talk about a specific moment in time
Ask "How did you feel when…"
Find out what's important to her
Don't ask about her job
Find out about the people in her life and her relationship to them
Have her reminisce about childhood experiences and/or return to a childlike state with you
Share about yourself with her
Ideally have her talk more than you
Don't put words in her mouth//don't finish people's sentences for them
Ask open ended questions not leading questions. (Eg. How did you feel at the end of the race?)
Stay positive. If conversation goes negative switch to a more positive topic
Stay away from returning to the introductory topic once you've moved past it into personal territory
Make sure you introduce yourself before asking her number
Rather than ask for her name, introduce yourself and offer your hand
Try to remember her name
If you haven't socialized for a long while (days, weeks, months) start slowly over a few weeks. Go back to the first steps and ease your way back into it
Ramp up over the course of the day. Ie. Start with step 1,2 as you warm-up
Start by looking at the pros of what you did before looking at what could have been better
Say "I just come here fore the music" (when in a supermarket or other mundane venue)
Say hi to her like you already know her well or as if she's your best friend
Say she is "cute" rather than "beautiful" or "gorgeous" (so that you're not idolizing her)
Don't throw yourself to the wolves (ease into the process
Big Ideas
6 steps to meeting a woman for the first time
Step 1: Go to places where women are
Step 2: Get close to her
Step 3: Say something
Step 4: Stay in awhile
Step 5: Get personal
Step 6: Get emotional
A woman can feel when you've waited ten seconds or 20 seconds or 2mins before you talk with her, even if she hasn't seen you
Unknown Terms
False Eject: When a guy rejects himself before the girl rejects him by walking away from her before she has indicated that she is not interested.