Title Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Author T. Harv Eker
Year Published 2005
Kind of Book Personal finance/Mindset
How strongly I recommend it 8/10
My Impressions I actually preferred this to "Think and Grow Rich." Both tackle the topic of money and visualization. My only gripe with the book was that the authors tone is a little snake-oil-salsemaney at times.
Date Read circa 2016
Practical Takeaways
Declare "My inner world creates my outer world" Then touch your head and say "I have a millionaire mind"
Declare "What I have heard about money isn't necessarily true. I choose to adopt new ways of thinking that support my happiness and success." Touch your head and say "I have a millionaire mind"
Declare "I observe my thoughts and entertain only those that empower me" Touch your head and say "I have a millionaire mind"
Write down all the statements you heard about money, wealth, and rich people when you were young
Write down how you believe these statements have affected you financial life so far
Write down the habits your parents had around money and how this might have impacted you
Every time you catch yourself blaming, justifying, or complaining, slide your index finger across your neck, as a trigger to remind yourself that you are slitting your financial throat
Play the money game to win, don't play it not to lose
Write down two financial objectives that demonstrate your intention to create abundance
Go to an upscale resturant and order a meal at "market price" without asking how much it costs
Commit to being rich
Write a short paragraph on exactly why creating wealth is important to you. Be specific.
Think big
Write down what you believe to be your natural talents
Write down or brainstorm ways in which you can solve problems for 10x the number of people you do now
Focus on opportunities not obstacles
Consider a situation or project you've wanted to start. Whatever you've been waiting for, forget it. Get in the game. If possible, do it while working for or with someone else, first, to learn the ropes
Practice optimism
Reframe obstacles as opportunities
Focus on what you have, not on what you don't have
Make a list of ten things you are grateful for in your life and read it out loud each morning for 30 days
Admire rich and successful people, don't resent them
"Bless that which you want" -Huna philosophy
Associate with positive, successful people not negative unsuccessful people
Read a biography of someone who is or was extremely rich and successful
Mingle with rich people
Remove yourself from being around people who are downers
Stop watching trash TV and stay away from bad news
Promote yourself and your value. Don't think negatively about selling and promotion
Rate the product or service you are currently offering (or are planning to offer) from 1 to 10 in terms of how much you believe in its value
Grow yourself so that you are bigger than any problem
Read books, listen to audios and CDs, and take courses on marketing and sales
Write down a problem you are having in your life. Then list ten specific actions you can take to resolve or at least improve this situation.
Be a good receiver
Anytime someone gives you a compliment simply say "Thank you" (Do not return or deflect it)
Pamper yourself. At least once a month do something special to nurture yourself and your spirit (get a massage, a manicure, an extravagant lunch, rent a boat)
Choose to get paid on results not based on time
Never have a ceiling on your income
If you are currently in a job getting paid based on an hourly wage or salary, create and propose a compensation plan to your employer that would allow you to get paid at least partly based on your individual results as well as the results of the company
Consider starting your own business
Think "both" not "either/or"
Whenever alternatives are presented to you, ask yourself, "how can I have both?"
Believe "you can have your cake and eat it too"
Think of yourself as a role model for others
Focus on your net worth not your working income
Decrease your cost of living by simplifying your lifestyle
Increase your income, savings, investment returns
Hire a financial planner
Manage your money well
Create a financial freedom jar in your home. Deposit money in it everyday (even if its only a penny)
Put 10% of your income (after taxes) into your financial freedom bank account
Whatever money you have now start managing it this way
Have your money work hard for you. Don't work hard for your money
Take investment seminars.
Read at least one investment book a month
Change your focus from "active" to "passive" income
List at least three specific strategies with which you could create income without working, in either investment or the business field
Don't wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait
Act in spite of fear. Don't let fear stop you
List your three greatest worries, concerns, or fears regarding money and wealth. Challenge them. For each, write down what you would do if the situation you fear actually happened
Practice getting out of your comfort zone
Intentionally make decisions that are uncomfortable for you
Speak to people you normally wouldn't speak to
Ask for a raise at your job
Observe yourself and your thought pattern
Challenge the little voice in your head whenever it tells you "I can't" or "I don't want to" or "I don't feel like it"
Learn and grow. Don't think you already know
Chose to be rich (rather than insisting on being right)
Commit to your growth
Consider hiring a personal coach to keep you on track
Never stop growing
Don't let your motivation for acquiring money be driven by fear, anger, or the need to prove yourself
Reset your financial thermostat
Observe your thoughts and actions
Think in ways that support your happiness
Aim to be rich not comfortable
Know what you want
Figure out a way to supply more value to the world
Train and manage your mind
Be the best
Do what is hard
Be uncomfortable
Control your money so it doesn't control you
See every dollar as a "seed" that can be planted to earn a hundred more dollars, which can then be replanted to earn a thousand more dollars
Big Ideas
The number one reason most people don't get what they want is that they don't know what they want
Blaming others will harm your financial success
Complaining will harm your financial success
The only time you are actually growing is when you are uncomfortable
If your goal is to be comfortable you'll never get rich
If your goal is to be rich, chances are you'll end up mighty comfortable (eventually)
To change your actions you must first change your thoughts
A person's programing leads to thoughts.
Thoughts lead to feelings.
Feelings lead to actions.
Actions lead to results
When you complain you attract negative things to you
If you are not fully, totally, and truly committed to creating wealth, chances are you won't
You will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the marketplace
Getting money just makes people more of what they already are
The way you are in one area of your life is usually the way you are in all areas of your life
Where attention goes, energy flows
Either you control money, or it will control you
It is not necessary to try to get rid of fear in order to succeed
Training and managing your own mind is the most important skill you can learn, in terms of both happiness and success