Title Poke the Box
Author Seth Godin
Year Published 2015
Kind of Book Creativity/Self-help
How strongly I recommend it 7/10
My Impressions This is a book about starting and finishing this. Godin urges the reader to start something new and to think outside the box. The message here is largely motivational, but a good message nevertheless.
Date Read April 2020
Practical Takeaways
Be aware of the market
Be connected
Be consistent
Be productive
Build an asset to sell
Have the guts to ship
Get into the habit of starting
When you're lost in the woods don't trust your senses. Use a star or the setting sun to guide you. (your senses will make you walk in circles)
Start stuff
Go to work on a regular basis
Make your schedule before you start -Zig Ziglar (so you won't procrastinate or chicken out of something)
Nonstop writing from 6am to noon every day-Isaac Asimov
End the day at a certain time every day
Show up
Ask yourself why a mediocre product isn't great
Look for the fear (It's almost always the source of your doubts)
Don't wait to be picked. Start something yourself
When the cost of poking the box is less than the cost of doing nothing, poke the box
Relentlessly and constantly be starting something (and finishing it)
Be prepared to do a TED talk on whatever you know about
Attempt new things that you aren't sure you can do
Finish whatever you start (If it doesn't ship, you've failed)
Focus on the work, not on the fear that comes from doing the work
Keep starting (on the same thing) until you finish
Don't worry about it being perfect. Just start. You can always adjust. (if you don't start you can't change it)
Make something new (the market is obsessed with novelty)
Be the one who starts things
Pass your ideas into the world
Be willing to get something different than what you set off to get
Schedule a date and time of day to start something (thurs April 3rd 3:05)
Do things where there is risk of failure (If there is not way you can fail at it, it doesn't count)
Ship before your deadline
Buzz more (if you were playing jeopardy) //error on the side of too much
Big Ideas
We have a tendency to think the cost of being wrong will be way worse than it actually is
The people who fail the most end up being the most successful in the long term
They have gained a lot of feedback and knowledge through their failures
Getting booed and failing is a huge relief. You are then able to produce without worrying about failure
If you are not making a difference in the world it is because you are afraid of failure
Taking endless notes, reading a ton, and asking endless questions is a form of hiding and procrastinating taking action because you are afraid of rejection
Surprising Facts
People lost in the woods or lost in the desert with no star or setting sun to guide them tend to walk in circles
Unknown Terms
Financial Capital: Money in the bank that can be put to work on a project or investment (kind of capital)
Network Capital: People you know, connections you can make, retailers and systems you can plug into (kind of capital)
Intellectual capital: Smarts. Software systems. Access to people with insight (kind of capital)
Physical capital: Plant and machinery and tools and trucks (kind of capital)
Prestige capital: Your reputation (kind of capital)
Instigation capital: The desire to move forward. The ability and the guts to say yes. (kind of capital)
Anxiety: experiencing failure in advance-Seth Godin