Title One is Punished for Defending a Place Obstinately Without Reason

Author Michel de Montaigne

Kind of Book Essay

How strongly I recommend it 8/10 

My Impressions Short and sweet. A point worth pondering

Practical Takeaways

  • Know when to fight and when to surrender. If you are at a slight disadvantage fight, but surrender if you are so outmatched it would be absurd to fight (eg. 1 vs. 100)

Big Ideas

  • Each Virtue taken too far becomes a vice (and sometimes it is hard to tell where the line is)

  • There is a difference between staying committed to a fight when you have the lower hand and when you are ridiculously outnumber or outmatched and to fight would just be dumb. Ie. Fighting when its 1 vs 2 is different than fighting when its 1 vs 100