Title Of Moderation

Author Michel de Montaigne

Kind of Book Essay

How strongly I recommend it 8/10 

My Impressions Short, sweet, and well worth the read

Practical Takeaways

  • Read some philosophy, but do not overindulge in reading philosophy-Plato

  • Make sure the pleasure you receive from marriage is discreet and somewhat restrained

Big Ideas

  • Too much of a good thing (or a virtue) is not a good thing

  • A moderate amount of philosophy is good and advantageous, But Too much philosophy is bad and makes a man wild, vicious, disdainful of religion, unable to enjoy pleasure, incapable of helping others or himself

  • Medicine is not effective is it is enjoyed and taken with pleasure

Surprising Facts

  • Persian Kings used to send their wives away when their appetites for wine, food, and sex were no longer moderate and called for the concubines, so as not to taint them

  • Gallio was sent to exile in Lesbos. It was found out that he was enjoying himself there, so he was sent back home to live with his wife as punishment