Title Of Friendship
Author Michel de Montaigne
Kind of Book Philosophy
How strongly I recommend it 9/10
My Impressions Short, sweet, and well worth the read.
Practical Takeaways
Give your friendships nourishment and attention
Do whatever your best friend asks you to do - Blossius
Big Ideas
True Friendship is very rare and several strokes of luck must happen for it to occur
True Friendship cannot exist between Father and Children Because
it requires both parties to be able to share their deepest secrets and truths with the other. Also, true Friendship requires both parties to be able to admonish the other for wrongs they do (a child cannot scold his or her Father )
Friendship is different from Romantic Love for a woman
Love for a woman is intense, stinging, but fickle
Friendship is moderate, warm, smooth, and steady.
Friendship requires nourishment and attention
In a true friendship the two souls intertwined
Surprising Facts
There is evidence in this essay that Montaigne might have been homosexual. Either that or his male friend was his soul mate
The ancients seemed to write of fellow male friends as soul mate speaking of their souls being intertwined, in much the way that modern people write about soul mates between a romantic partner