Title Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus
Author John Gray
Year Published 1992
Kind of Book Relationships/Communication
How strongly I recommend it 8/10
My Impressions I was expecting to like this book a lot less then I did. The language is very cheesy and dated at this point, but it is a classic for a reason. I had a lot of insights reading it.
Date Read circa 2014
Practical Takeaways
Never try to fix your partner
Respect and accept your differences with your partner
Just listen to her without trying to solve her problems or offering solutions
Don't always be "Mr. Fix-it" with her problems
Validate her feelings
Don't tell her how she should or shouldn't feel
Never tell her to calm down
Make her feel cherished
Let her know what you are thinking/feeling when you go silent, so she doesn't assume the worst
Let her know not to come into your cave when you're upset and you retreat
Don't judge her for needing to be reassured (that you love her/enjoy her company/think she's pretty etc.)
Take the time to translate what your partner said into what they really mean
Reassure her that when you pull away you will be back, but need time to be alone
Support her need to be heard
Don't try to listen when you need to be alone
Frequently reassure her of your love (don't assume because you did it once it will last forever)
Ask interested and concerned questions when she talks
Don't take her feelings literally
Don't tell her what she should and shouldn't feel upset about
Remember that each gift, big or small, is worth one point when a woman keeps score
Take time to listen to and acknowledge your feelings
Say 'would you' not 'could you' when asking a favor
Be direct when asking a favor of someone
Be brief when asking a favor of someone
Don't assume that you are giving her enough love and support just because she hasn't asked you for more
Remain silent after you have asked a request of someone
Don't tell your woman she is 'overreacting'
101 ways to score points with a woman
Upon returning home find her first before doing anything else and give her a hug
Ask her specific questions about her day that indicate an awareness of what she was planning to day (e.g. "how'd you Dr. appointment go?")
Practice listening and asking questions
Resist the temptation to solve her problems- empathize instead
Give her 20mins of unsolicited quality attention
Surprise her with flowers
Plan a date several days in advance
Offer to make dinner even if it is her turn
Compliment her on how she looks
Validate her feelings when she's upset
Offer to help her when she's tired
Schedule extra time when traveling so that she doesn't have to rush
Call and tell her when you're going to be late
Don't make her feel wrong for asking for your support
Empathize with her hurt feelings
Whenever you need to pull away, let her know you will be back or that you need some time to think about things
When you've cooled off and you come back, talk about what was bothering you in a respectable, nonblaming way, so she doesn't imagine the worst
Offer to build a fire in wintertime
Give her your full attention when she talks to you
Offer to do the dishes even if its her turn
Offer to help with her To-do's when she is tired or overwhelmed
When going out, ask if there is anything she want you to pick up at the store, and remember to pick it up
Let her know when you are planning to take a nap or leave
Give her 4 hugs a day
Call her from work to ask how she is or to share something exciting or to tell her "I love you"
Tell her you love her a couple of times every day
Make the bed and clean up the bedroom
Turn your socks right side out so she doesn't have to (if she does the laundry)
Notice when the trash is full and offer to empty it
Let her know that you arrived safely at your destination
Wash her car
Wash your car and clean the interior before your date with her
Wash before having sex
Take her side when she is upset with someone
Offer to give her a back, neck, or foot massage
Make a point of cuddling without being sexual
Be patient when she is sharing
Don't change channels aimlessly when she is watching TV with you
Display affection in public
When holding hands don't let your hand go limp
Learn her favorite drinks so you can offer her a choice of the ones that you know she already likes
Don't put the burden on choosing the restaurant/date spot on her
Get season tickets for the theater, symphony, opera, ballet, or some other type of performance she likes
Create occasions when you both can dress up
Be understanding when she is late or decides to change her outfit
Pay more attention to her than to others in public
Make her more important than the children
Buy her little presents- like small boxes of chocolates and perfume
Buy her an outfit
Takes pictures of her on special occasions
Take short romantic getaways
Carry a picture of her in your wallet. Update it from time to time. Let her see that you carry the picture
When staying in a hotel, have them prepare the room with something special, like a bottle of champagne
Write a note or make a sign on special occasions such as anniversaries and birthdays
Offer to drive the car on long trips
Drive slowly and safely when she is in the car
Notice how she is feeling and comment on it (eg. "You look happy today")
When taking her out study the direction in advance
Take her dancing
Surprise her with a love note or poem
Treat her in ways you did at the beginning of the relationship
Offer to fix something around the house. (say 'what needs to be fixed around here? I have some extra time)
Offer to sharpen her knives in the kitchen
Buy some good super glue to fix things that are broken
Offer to change light bulbs as soon as they go out
Help with recycling the trash
Read out loud or cut out sections of the newspaper that would interest her
Write out neatly any phone message you take for her
Keep the bathroom floor clean and dry after taking a shower
Open the door for her
Offer to carry the groceries
Offer to carry heavy boxes for her
Carry the luggage
Be responsible for packing the car
Make a "to fix" list for her to fill out things you can fix
Compliment her cooking
Look at her when she's talking to you
Touch her with you hand sometimes when you talk to her
Show interest in her day
When listening to her, reassure her that you are interested by making little noises like 'ah ha, uh huh, oh, mmhuh, and hmmm'
Ask her how she is feeling
If she has been sick ask her how she is doing or feeling
If she is tired offer to make her some tea
Get ready to go to sleep together and get in bed at the same time
Give her a kiss and say good-bye when you leave
Laugh at her jokes
Verbally say thank you when she does things for you
Notice when she gets her hair done and compliment her on it
Create special time to be alone together
Don't answer the phone at intimate moments
Go bicycling together
Organize or prepare a picnic
Take her clothes to the cleaners
Take her for a walk without the children
Be caring of what she wants to do if its not what you want to do, but don't be a martyr
Let her know that you missed her when you went away
Bring home her favorite pie or dessert
Offer to do the food shopping
Eat lightly on romantic occasions (so that you're not tired later)
Ask her to tell you what things make her feel loved and do them
Leave the bathroom seat down
Big Ideas
No matter how big or small a gift or gesture is, a woman will "count" it as one point
When people are asked 'could you do ____' they feel attacked. As though their competency is being brought into question
It is difficult for a man to listen to a woman when she is unhappy or disappointed because he feels like it is his fault (and therefore he is a failure)
Men feel motivated and empowered when they feel needed
Women feel motivated and empowered with they feel cherished
Men deal with stress by withdrawing and getting focused
Women deal with stress by getting overwhelmed and emotionally involved
Men are afraid of giving
Women are afraid of receiving
Men's deepest fear is not being good enough (ie. Incompetent)
Men use/hear language literally
Women use language metaphorically
When men reach a new stage of intimacy with a woman they will pull away from her for a while to assert their freedom and then come back to her (like a rubber band pulling a way)
Men want freedom
Women want understanding
Men want to receive
Women want to receive