Title Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook
Author Gary Vaynerchuk
Year Published 2013
Kind of Book Sales
How strongly I recommend it 6/10
My Impressions I'm not sure how well this book will age since it deals so specifically with marketing on different social media platforms of the time (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.), however there were some good general marketing principles in here that will probably carry over to any online marketing platform. It was also useful to see Gary critique good and bad examples of real company's social media posts.
Date Read circa 2020
Practical Takeaways
Make your tone different depending on what platform you're on
Make your call to action easy and simple to understand
Make your social media posts well crafted for digital devices
Make sure your post is native to the platform
Figure out what experience people are seeking from the platform. Make your post meet those needs
Make your post inviting to look at
Make your posts for your customer, not yourself
Make your posts
-entertaining or useful to the customer
Make your posts leverage pop culture
Give, give, give, give, give…ask jab, jab, jab…right hook
Make your jabs micro…small nuggets of information, humor, commentary etc.
Think of how each post will confirm your businesses' identity
Have your customers/fans vote on what content you make next
If a large percentage of your organic reach is liking and engaging in a post, then pay to sponsor that post
Put your logo somewhere in the photo itself
Don't use too much text on a post
Make sure the link takes people directly to the page you want them to go
Make sure there is only one call to action per post
Make sure there is only one question in each post
Make a post that Asks a question and then links to the answer (don't give away the answer in the post)
Consider what time you are posting on social media for best results
Before posting anything, ask yourself "If I saw this picture would I share it?"
(Twitter) Use less right hooks and more jabs
(Twitter) look at what hashtags are trending and make a post relevant to that hashtag
Do not pretend to be cooler than you are
Acknowledge your humanity and vulnerability
When it comes time for the right hook, don't bashful. Own it
Use the platform where you have the most data to drive traffic to the new one
Capitalize a word in a title to give it emphasis (eg. Remember…YOU get to help…)
Post in the same voice as your consumer
(twitter) don't retweet praise for your company or product
(Pinterest) make every post visually appealing
(Pinterest) think of your content as a collector's item
(Instagram) put your hashtags in a comment instead of on the post itself
(Instagram) go crazy with hashtags
Big Ideas
It is in Facebook's best interest for users to like your posts
If you make a post that a lot of people like and interact with, Facebook will boost you in the algorithm
When you have three calls to action you have zero calls to action
Strong jabs give you permission to throw unabashed right hooks later on
Surprising Facts
Female Pinterest users out number male users 5 to 1
Unknown Terms
Jabs (sales): the lightweight pieces of content that benefit your customers by making them laugh snicker, ponder, play a game, feel appreciated, or escape
Right Hook (sales): calls to action that benefit your business