Title Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway
Author Susan Jeffers
Year Published 2006
Kind of Book Fear/Self-help
How strongly I recommend it 6/10
My Impressions I resonated with the core message of the book. She veers into some general self-help advice towards the end that seems a bit out of place. All in all I'm glad I read it if not for the idea alone that as long as you continue to grow you will always feel fear. It doesn't go away. So feel the fear and do it anyway.
Date Read June 2017
Practical Takeaways
Feel the fear and do it anyway
Push through your fears
Don't let fear hold you back from living a rich and beautiful life
Take the chance to enter unfamiliar territory
Say "yes" to all circumstances in your life
Connect with the powerhouse within
Share the things you are afraid of with others, don't keep them to yourself
Tell yourself "Whatever happens to me, given any situation, I can handle it!"
Take risks
Take action
Stop trying to make the fear go away
Don't expect the fear to go away as long as you continue to grow
Get rid of the fear of something by going out and doing it
Go out and do it
Remember that everyone else experiences fear too
Don't live a life of "What if…"
Activate the power within you
Ask yourself before doing or not doing anything "Is this action moving me to a more powerful place?"
Don't say things that make you weak
Do something every day that takes you out of your comfort zone
Visualize yourself doing the things that scare you
Stop being a victim and "take responsibility for your own life"
Choose to create your own joy not your own misery
Handle the chatterbox in your mind
Figure out what you want in life and act on it
Set your goals- then go out and work toward them
Figure out what kind of space you would like to live in… then create it
"See who you would love to include in your circle of friends…then pick up the phone and make plans to get together. Don't sit around waiting for them to call you"
Determine what you need to do to create what looks and feels healthy [in your body]…then make it happen
Be aware of the multitude of choice you have in any given situation
Decide that its up to you what the day is going to start like
"Realize that at every moment you are choosing the way you feel"
Be aware of the options you have during the course of a given day.
Notice when you complain and stop it
Stop blaming others
Look at the gifts you have received from what you have always looked at as "Bad" situations
Be a Pollyanna
Stop worrying about things that ultimately never happen
Stop feeding yourself negative thoughts
Practice some form of positive thinking daily
Always frame affirmations in the positive rather than the negative
Always frame affirmations in the present tense
"Outtalk your negativity"
Don't listen to the radio or TV in the morning
Use your commute as a chance to learn
Surround yourself with a strong, motivated, inspirational group of people
Get rid of people who are dragging you down
Surround yourself with people who want what is best for you
Be assertive not aggressive
Don't be a donkey (ie. Indecisive)
Change the way you think about your world
Remember that either choice is better than no choice (A or B)
Look for clues in your life that you are off course and begin making your game plan to correct the situation
Commit to your goals 100%
"Say 'yes' to your universe"
Let go of resistance to your fears
Ask yourself what you can learn from every experience
Be patient with yourself
Relax your body
Chose love and trust
Give from a place of love rather than a place of expectation
Give away information//teach others what you know
Give away praise
Become what you want to attract
"Be the kind of person you would want to surround yourself with"
Listen to your friend's problems
Write thank you notes
Donate to charity
Give away love
Live in abundance
See the purpose of your life as to give
Stop searching "out there" to make your life complete
Consciously and consistently focus on the spiritual part or yourself
Be patient! Don't get discouraged
"Don't wait for it to take! Take action!"
Write, read, sign up
Take a stand
Lighten up. Don't take yourself too seriously
Make a pain to power chart. Put a pin where you think you are, Each day move the pin according where you think you are in your power
Each night before you go to bed plan the risk you are going to take the following day // don't love this one
List all the payoffs you get from staying stuck in some aspect of your life. What don't you have to face? What don't you have to do? What comfort do you get? What image do you hold onto?
Go a week without criticizing anyone or complaining about anything
Surround yourself with positive quotes all over your house
Do positive affirmations before bed
Go to self improvement workshops, classes, and seminars to meet friends on the same path as you
Put signs around you house that say "So what. I'll handle it"
Before making a decision
Focus on the no-lose model
Do your homework
Establish you priorities
Trust you impulses ie. Trust your guy
Lighten up
After making a decision
Throw away your picture ( of what might have been)
Accept total responsibility for your decisions
Commit yourself to any decision you make and give it all you've got
If your decision doesn't work change it
Change your vocabulary
"I can't" ---- "I won't"
"I should"----"I could"
"It's not my fault"---"I'm totally responsible"
"It's a problem"----"It's an opportunity"
"Life's a struggle"----"Life's an adventure"
"I hope"----"I know"
"If only"----"Next time"
"What will I do?"---"I know I can handle it"
"It's terrible"---"It's a learning experience"
Big Ideas
As long as you are continuing to grow you will always feel fear
The best way out of something is always to do through (not to retreat from it)-Hellen Keller
The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out and do it
The only way to feel better about yourself is to do the thing you're afraid to do
Pushing through fear is less frightening than living with the underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness
The more you expand your comfort zone the more powerful you become